***Updated: 7-11-2024***

The list of names presented below are of the residents who took on this effort:

Joseph Curry A. D. Garner H. L. Felker
George Echison J. M. Delozier J. E. Burket
J. C. Treese G. H. Slippey Gerald Russell
G. E. Treese Sunny Duffey J. N. Duffey
C. F. Langham Earl Bice D. B. Ebersole
Dean Hileman N. H. Downing Milo Confer
C. E. Keith George Shock Jesse Kimberling
J. S. Hileman O. L. Thies J. L. Ketner

Altoona Mirror Newspaper Articles from 1929 regarding ​the creation of our Fire Company:
Page 1: Wednesday February 20th, 1929
​Page 2: Tuesday November 12th, 1929​
Page 3: Friday November 29th, 1929​


The earliest known history takes us back to 1914.  Minutes from meetings can be found in the archives.  Whether we were organized before, we cannot say with any certainty. There must have been some sort of organization as the first few pages are missing from the journal. Was this the first time? Some of the older members that are still around tell us that Frankstown had a fire company as did Geeseytown. One would start in fighting and members would go to the other company. That would cause issues and then people would go back to the other and restart that one. How many times this occurred no one can say for sure. Finally in 1929, Geeseytown residents chartered their own fire company, thus creating the
GEESEYTOWN COMMUNITY FIRE COMPANY, so the Frankstown guys would know there would be no more of this bickering. Frankstown Fire Company soon stopped to exist except on paper. A piece of property they owned still exists and was taken over by the Township and they still use the property today. It is the site of the green metal garage near the intersection of Route 22 and Frankstown Road.